Investing in Africa
Introducing innovative solutions & investments across Southern Africa in the minerals, precious metals, & energy sectors

Shoolin Metals and Minerals is an investment company based in UAE, with it’s products and services range covering Commercial Enterprises Investments, Institution and Management, and Trading Metal Ores and Alloys.
Our vision and focus is to provide customized solutions with quality and cost effective product range. A strong customer focus approach and constant quest for top class quality and services enable us to attain and sustain leadership position.
Africa has vast mineral resources, and the trading of these in demand commodities creates a prime economic sector across the continent.
It accounts for over 60% of the foreign exchange earned by SADC, and contributes at least 10% to it's GDP.

Why Southern Africa?

The processing and exporting of minerals and precious metals is an industry of strategic importance in Southern Africa.
Our current ventures and target markets are currently focused on the countries of: Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.
Roughly half of the world’s vanadium, platinum, and diamonds originate in the region, along with 36% of gold and 72% of cobalt. These minerals contribute greatly to several Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member State gross national product and employment, and many of them depend on mineral exports for their foreign exchange earnings.
- The SADC region has abundant mineral resources, both higher value minerals (precious metals and minerals) and the more important ferrous, base and industrial minerals necessary for domestic/regional development.
- It’s mineral reserves, in terms of global reserves, are led by the PGMs at over 91% (South Africa and Zimbabwe), Cobalt at over 72% (DRC, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe), Chromite at over 43% (SA and Zimbabwe), and Diamonds over 50% (Botswana, DRC, South Africa, Angola, and Namibia).
- In addition the region has significant resources and reserves of manganese, vanadium, zirconium, fluorspar, titanium, gold, copper, nickel, uranium, iron ore, coal, and natural gas.
Trade in minerals and precious metals commodities as an investment remains an exciting opportunity to all of those involved.
Investment Opportunities

Oil and Gas
Recent discoveries of new offshore oil fields in both Mozambique and South Africa has the potential to be a great investment while boosting these country's economic and social developments.

The global magnetite market is expected to reach an estimated $130.8 billion by 2026.
The future of the global magnetite market looks promising with opportunities in the iron and steel, coal, and medication industries.

The market for Southern African lubricants is expected to grow.
The expanding food-grade lubricants demand has helped to drive the market growth.
Contact Us

UG 05F, RAKEZ Amenity Center, Al Hamara Ind. Zone-FZ,
Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

Copyright 2023 Shoolin Metals and Minerals LLC – FZ. All rights reserved.